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AI in Coaching
Opening a New Chapter

Unicon Calendar Light RGB Tuesday, February 11th (1:30 PM - 5:30 PM GMT)
Unicon Location Light RGB London Stock Exchange 

AI in Coaching London
Frame 1010105352

CoachHub invites you to an exclusive global multi-city event where we will announce a groundbreaking application of AI that is set to redefine digital coaching as we know it.

As the leader in digital coaching, CoachHub has shaped the way organisations develop their people. Now, we’re introducing the next big leap—a groundbreaking application of AI designed to elevate coaching to new heights.

Be the first to see how AI is reshaping the coaching landscape—up close and in real-time.

Why attend?

Icon Think Blue-2
See the future in action

Be among the first to experience a groundbreaking new era in people development.

Icon Network Blue-2
Access exclusive insights

Gain insider knowledge on how AI is transforming digital coaching and workforce development.

Icon Handshake Blue-1
Meet industry pioneers

Join AI innovators and HR leaders and discover how AI is unlocking new possibilities. 


Matti Niebelschutz
CEO & Co-Founder at CoachHub

Bernard Marr 1

Bernard Marr
Internationally Best-selling Author and Futurist, Bernard Marr and co


Carole Valette
Area Vice President Northern Europe at CoachHub

Lynn Johnston-1

Lynn Johnston
Senior Talent Development Manager at AVEVA

Jessica Clarke

Jessica Clarke
Global Head of Talent, L&D at Vacuum Technique - Atlas Copco

Monica Bastiani

Monica Bastiani
HEAD of People Care & DEI at Generali 

Alan Walker

Alan Walker
CEO at Udder, HR Digital transformation Expert

Sarah Henson

Sarah Henson
Senior Behavioural Scientist at CoachHub

Adam Rewako

Adam Rewako
Senior Data Product Manager at CoachHub

Tom Runesson

Tom Runesson
Senior Behavioural Scientist at CoachHub

Neel Mistry

Neel Mistry
Senior Customer Success Manager at CoachHub


1:30pm - 2:00pm
Registration and Networking 

2:00pm - 2:05pm
Welcome Note

2:05pm - 2:35pm
Keynote: Winning with AI: Embrace Change with AI with Bernard Marr - Author, Keynote, Futurist

2:35pm - 3pm
Networking Break

3pm - 3:30pm
Exclusive Special Announcement: All the way from New York City! with our CEO & Co-Founder, Matti Niebelschütz

3:30pm - 4:00pm
Keynote: AI Unveiled: Inside the Brain of Coaching's Future: Tom Runneson, Senior Behavioural Scientist and  Adam Rewako, Senior Data Product Manager at CoachHub

4:15pm - 5:00pm
Panel: AI & The Future of Work: Driving Innovation & Impact

From 5pm
Drinks & Networking at the London Stock Exchange 

at the

London Stock Exchange

Vector-2  10 Paternoster Sq, London EC4M 7LS 

Submit the form to register

All registration requests will be reviewed. You will receive a confirmation email based on availability.